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 高二(7)班  2  第1 节  U3Extended reading
By the end of this period, you will be able to:
understand the purpose and process of a job interview;
identify the tips for a successful job interview;
list the most important qualities for a job applicant to succeed in a job interview.


1. What does he/she do?

2. What can you predict from the title of the transcript?


Activity 1 Fast--reading for basic information

Ⅰ. What’s the main idea of the text?

Ⅱ. Read the text quickly to match the main idea with each part.

Activity 2 Careful--reading for details

Ⅰ.Read Para.1 and do the following exercise.

Ⅱ.Read Para.2 carefully and do the following exercise.

Ⅲ.Read Paras.3-5 carefully and do the following exercises.

Ensure you make good ____________

Find out the __________ of the company and the position. 
List your ________ and analyze your _________

Make a list of possible questions and do ________.

_______ appropriately. 
Have a _____.
Get a good night’s _____.
Check the _______. 
And decide the _____ of ________.
Be a(n) _____ bird.

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